Thursday 18 February 2010

Conclusion - First attempt Lemniscate Kitchen

In this first letter, that related to the activity of eating from the vending machines interpreted through the state of mind, rejection, of the character, the first attempt has consisted of:

- reinterpreting each component of the corridor

- becoming the vending machine into an architectural component of this space

- making an ever changing cluster of doors to take advantage of the similarity
between office corridors in the world as a critical attitude that can create the opportunity for a virtual space in the fictitious part of the narrative.

Once the components were separated and reinterpreted, I create a new space at once, and I simulated it digitally. This image was after fragmented and printed on different kind of papers. Then I started a process of cutting and pasting, a collage process using 3D simulated fragments.


- The new space follows the same logic of the corridor that I am trying to distort so
the goal has not been achieved.

- It is based on floor, ceiling and walls in a traditional pictorial sense. That is not part of the XXIst century architectural expression but it is nearer to the XIXth. It should be a dream scape of the magical transformation of the office space but even if there are many interesting analysis, the idea is not spatially achieved.

- The characters, both daughter and father, need a fix position (profession) with specific consequences over the spatial feactures. The depiction I presented here has not that particular and specific features that it should.

- The analysis, interpretation and definition of components has been very fruitful
in order to develop a new interpretation, configuration and representation.

- The two key thing, those which are very important to my project are: The collision between vending and haute cuisine, the hybridization that has been undestood at different levels, such as form + material , eating + working (functions), corridor + kitchen (typologies), physical + virtual (realities)

- The technique has to be improved. It is necessary to find a way of using 3D imagery as a raw material to a collage in a more sophisticated way.

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