Thursday 15 July 2010

Voyeur's Server Room - Installation Stage Study

A big and messy floor made out of lots of wires, some different colours of lights and a curtain made of plastic bags, allow us to study the atmosphere of the Voyeur's Server Room. The dark and half/light atmosphere reflect a sinister room that nonetheless will show magic spaces through the cluster of computer screens.

Tailor Photocopier Room

The Photocopier room of the office is here transform in a tailor workshop. The invisible woman as a way of recognize herself uses the photocopy machines to take photos of her body. This is a direct reference to the self-identification during the construction of the character (Nora) identity. These photos will be used to make some patterns that will address the invisible woman in order to make one of her fancy dresses, in this case, the Crazy Pilot dress that she will wear when making sport in her false-ceiling-based Flying Simulator.

Tailor Installation Stage Study

Tailor installation is an attempt to see which kind of relationships can articulate the different materials that will be taking part of the Tailor Photocopier Room. In this case we have studied the paper made pattern, the carpet made strings and particularly the crazy pilot helmet. In this case we do not have made a spatial atmosphere but rather a still-live that can recreate the sewing-machine table of the image.

Ludopoly Installation

Here we have some photos of the stage study of Ludopoly, the interest is pointed on the lighting and main structure of the director's drawer as a vessel for the cork-board as well as the suspending cluster of tracing papers that represents the sky.

Voyeur's Server Room

The Server room of the office is transformed into a space for surveillance and voyeurism. This stems from the desire of spying inside the office abstracted into the need of security, which is at the same time the core of the critique of this space. The servers and DVD players surround the space where a wire-covered elevated chairs with a big console allow the invisible woman to control what is going on in the 42 floor of the Tower 42 but also in that 1/2 floor where she lives.

In this case, it is also something more. This space is a link between both spaces, the real space of the office inside the narrative and the dreamspace of Nora where the invisible woman inhabits. Here the invisible woman is spying the office but she can also see the spaces she transforms. This encloses a paradox, Nora is imagining the invisible woman while spying herself and her, so here both characters, Nora and the invisible woman reflect to each other, and therefore by deduction the invisible woman is Nora's own projection, or is Nora the own projection of the invisible woman?


Ludopoly presents a scenario that stems from the drawer of the director's desk, the most secret part of the office.
Here the invisible woman, as she is imagined by Nora Farrow, follows her desire for change the City, abstracted into her needs of power. For this propouse she is going to transform the Office of the Director. The role of the Director has a magic and over-considered power among the rumours that flow in the office. The power is trivialized as a game, a board game in this case, that is developed as an antithesis of Monopoly board game.

The scopic regime is reduce to the drawer dimensions and the city is represented by office objects that configure a new reality where office tasks and leisure are shared, where the public and private spaces are also mixed, in a new realm where:

- Instead of underground we have an Roller Coaster Overground
- There are Pumper Buses
- The Jail of Monopoly is the Tower 42
- The main landmarks are kept but transformed, such as the Haunted Gherkin, the Old Broad Mirror Maze Building, the Lloyd slide and the Bank of Chewing Gum.

The exersice of the invisible woman consists of creating the game istead of playing it, there can be found the real power!

Arcadian Reception - Last Version

Here is the last version of the Arcadian Garden, in which the whole space has been highly studied, developed and detailed.

Arcadian Reception / Installation Stage Study

Here we put some of the photographs that were made from an instalation in order to study the Arcadian Garden

Arcadian Reception

The Arcadian Garden is a transformation of the Reception Hall of the office into an office object made Arcadia that try to blur the boundaries between the natural and the artificial, making us to wonder what we read as natural and why.
The nature of the critique focuses on the plastic plants and posters of natural landscape that we can find any many office reception halls. This attempt to "naturalized" the office reception, to try to make it looks like a nice, comfortable and healthy atmosphere.

The invisible woman, based on the blueprint of a traditional Japanese garden, transform the reception following her desire of a place to contemplation and meditation abstracted into her need of a open air and country side atmosphere. Here post it are grass and change their colour according to the year season. Keys of computer keyboards create a path that goes to the bridge that cover the drawer-made pond where she also grows some plants of rice.

Installation 1-Details

Here we show the main detail of the installation, this is, some of the images that really are useful to extract the pixels that can create the maps, lighting, atmosphere and objects details.

Installation 1

The first installation that was created looked for exploring the possibilities of this media to enrich and study deeper the kind of spaced that had been previously created by 3D software and collage.

This first attempt mixes different kind of objects out of which the 3d images had been previously created. In this case:

- Floor: Desk platform made of papers, and a post-it covered office supplies landscape, borrowed from the Arcadian Garden
- Left Side wall: Toilet rolls from the Operation Toilet
- Right Side wall: Wires and sockets fro the Voyeur-s Server Room
- Background wall: A paper cluster creating a curtain extracted from the Tailor Photocopiers Room
- Ceiling: It is made out suspended CD-s from the Voyeur-s Server Room

AS a first conclusion, the whole process has been very useful for studying the spaces:

- Construct it develop the ways that they can be assembled and also points some limitations that can be overcome in the virtual space
- The process of lighting is basic and add plenty of new possibilities that after will be applied in the computer
- The digital photographs provide a very precise palette of pixels to crete maps, textures, light atmospheres, objects details and new points of view for the prespective.

Process: Pixelmatographic Construction

In this paper that you can read by following the link below, it is explained the method that I have developed in order to generate the spatial scenarios that this project describe.

The Pixel refers to the digital information translated into image that is both directly produce in the computer through 2D image editors and 3D model+maps+light software, as well as taking digital photographs of actual objects and spaces that allow me to understand deeper the way my spaces work, and specially the lighting and mapping that will be later used to create the final result in the computer.