Thursday 15 July 2010

Voyeur's Server Room

The Server room of the office is transformed into a space for surveillance and voyeurism. This stems from the desire of spying inside the office abstracted into the need of security, which is at the same time the core of the critique of this space. The servers and DVD players surround the space where a wire-covered elevated chairs with a big console allow the invisible woman to control what is going on in the 42 floor of the Tower 42 but also in that 1/2 floor where she lives.

In this case, it is also something more. This space is a link between both spaces, the real space of the office inside the narrative and the dreamspace of Nora where the invisible woman inhabits. Here the invisible woman is spying the office but she can also see the spaces she transforms. This encloses a paradox, Nora is imagining the invisible woman while spying herself and her, so here both characters, Nora and the invisible woman reflect to each other, and therefore by deduction the invisible woman is Nora's own projection, or is Nora the own projection of the invisible woman?

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