Thursday 15 July 2010

Installation 1

The first installation that was created looked for exploring the possibilities of this media to enrich and study deeper the kind of spaced that had been previously created by 3D software and collage.

This first attempt mixes different kind of objects out of which the 3d images had been previously created. In this case:

- Floor: Desk platform made of papers, and a post-it covered office supplies landscape, borrowed from the Arcadian Garden
- Left Side wall: Toilet rolls from the Operation Toilet
- Right Side wall: Wires and sockets fro the Voyeur-s Server Room
- Background wall: A paper cluster creating a curtain extracted from the Tailor Photocopiers Room
- Ceiling: It is made out suspended CD-s from the Voyeur-s Server Room

AS a first conclusion, the whole process has been very useful for studying the spaces:

- Construct it develop the ways that they can be assembled and also points some limitations that can be overcome in the virtual space
- The process of lighting is basic and add plenty of new possibilities that after will be applied in the computer
- The digital photographs provide a very precise palette of pixels to crete maps, textures, light atmospheres, objects details and new points of view for the prespective.

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