Saturday 21 November 2009

Las Meninas_Part 2

If we turn to history we know that the painter es Diego Velazquez, who was the royal painter
of King Philip IV, the girl in the middle is Princess Margarita áccompained by her nannies and meninas and even we know that the buffon was Nicolaso Pertusato. So we can argue that the Velazquez is painting the king and his wife, who we can be reflected on the mirror, and the rest of the characters are there to entertain them.
But... if the mirror is reflected another royal portrait that is hung on the wall of the room?

We have clearly three interpretations:
1. He is painting the Kings, in a room of the Royal palace
2. He is painting the scene he sees in front of a big mirror
3. He is painting us always we occupy the location of the model of his representation

In Foucault's words " these three possible views confuse themselves in a point out of the picture, an ideal point with that which is represented, but, at the time, an absolutely real one because by means of it the representation is possible.

This picture is a representation that deals with the problems of representation.The model of the representation is never determined, the model and the spectator, the object and the subject are ceaseless exchanging their roles. As the subject is dislocated, the representation is freed, and this way the painting can just represent itself.

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