Thursday 12 November 2009

Nature Self-representation

Nature represents itself.

In wild nature it does not exist the relation between the object and the subject so when nature is reflected in nature, it is representing itself

We consider representation as an equivalence between the value and the sign

Nature reflects on water surface. These reflections ensures nature self-representation.

It does not matter wether anyone is or not looking at it, it is ceaseless representing itself

Water surface is the mirror of nature.

Depending on the light conditions and on water movement due to current and wind these reflections vary. But this variations are out of its system of self-representation. It is only when we look at it as subjects examining it as an object that we can classify its feactures.

For, they could be interpreted as a poetry

cruelty, clean and literal like a mirror

through the times as blurred as vague suggestions

drawing actual as fragmented

and deformed allucination of light

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