Saturday 21 November 2009

Reflection System

The city represents itself through its own reflections. The reflections of the city define a complex network that represents the city in a fragmented way. The system of reflections is made of different parts we can classify depending on their nature. We ask them if they are deliberate or accidental, and we obtain these results:

- The Buildings: The reflective surfaces of building are deliberate. They has been planned, they has been created. Even if the designer was not aware of its reflections, the windows' glasses, the reflective claddings and the mirrors, we consider that they are part of the staged realisation of the city and its reflections. This kind of reflectors are statics.

- The bodies of water: The rivers courses, the canals and the fountains are no longer accidental, they have been put there within the urban transformation, they are creations. The surface of these bodies of water reflect also ceaselessly the city. This kind of reflectors are semi-static, because they do not change their location but the water moves.

- The puddles: The city is reflected on puddles' water surface. These reflections are accidental if we focus on the weather unpredictable condition. They also depend on the streets' deppresions which are both accidental and deliberate. Thes refelctor are dynamic, they change their position depending on time and they appear as disappear.

- The vehicles: The city is also represented through vehicles' glossy painted bodyworks. The dark painted vehicules such as buses, cars and lorries are reflecting randomly the city. These reflectors are dynamic, and they can be cansider mainly accidental within the system because althought we find a deliberate action behind their drivers, their location and the observer locations are not linked, and their coincidence is accidental.

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