Sunday 27 June 2010

Conclusions and Blueprint

The main critiques:

- Re-assess and judge the project
- The relevance of story-telling in my spatial proposal
- The fundamental intellectual idea
- The relevance of the site, the scenario..could it work anywhere? does it matter?
- Alternative reality atmosphere definitions: sinister, magical, positive, dark...
- Gender policies in the contemporary office
- The character, is unbelievable and to some extend unnecessary. The narrative needs a detournemental force. The relevance of the story-telling has to be clear.
- The space that is depicted correspond to a content that is expressed in the narrative, and it would be much more interesting if the depiction also constructs the content and viceversa.
- The images do not express any emotion, but my narrative talks about that.
The new scenario that allows her to travel a new office configuration, has to be clearly describe in the nature of a critique, e.i. New- Babylonian, Robinson Crusoe,
- Instead of letters that I illustrate, the character could be imagining its episode.

New research:

- Socialist utopias: Specially New-Babylon, which Interiors are very evocative
- Economics and Utopia
- Gender policies in the office and unofficial forms of discrimination
- System of Objects and Object as commodities
- Office life research through films and literature
- Escapism and Time-killing practices, as an opportunity to create a new scenario
- Detornement and Phycho-geographical depiction as an innovative assembly of existing manufacture products, tools and brands

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