Sunday 27 June 2010

Gender Policies inside the Contemporary Office

To assess the Gender policies we have made a trip from the last 40 years of the feminist movement. we start analysing Germaine Greer's The Female Eunuch. After it we link her conclusions with the current Gender Policies that officially garantee complete equality but thet at the end of the day there are, nowadays, still many unofficial forms of discriminations.

Germaine Greer's Female Eunuch, is a contribution to “the dialogue between the wondering woman and the world” (Greer, 1970:11), that we will uses to identify the stereotypic woman in the current the consumer society. In the 1970's Greer identified the traditional myth of the Eternal Feminine, the object of male fantasy, the middle-class myth of love and marriage, as “the dominant image of femininity which rules our culture and to which most women aspire” (Greer,1970:15)

Taking this point, we translate it to the current situation, in which, as Greer denounced 40 years ago, women go on suffering discrimination, although in new an unofficial ways.

The project unmasks the principal forms of unofficial gender discrimination in the office:
The difference between women and men as free individuals, in a society where women, while holding down their jobs, also shoulder social responsibilities such as taking care of the family, the children, the elderly and the sick, while men in general do not.
The differential between the sexes with regard to salary levels and selection for promotion, as reflected in the proportion of senior executives of each sex.
Sexual harassment, sexist jokes and bullying, as well as offensive conduct towards women who rise to high positions and become the target of sexist language (bitch, spinster, whore...)
Female dress codes and aesthetic patterns shaped by a stereotyped view of women as sex objects that translates into skimpy, tight-fitting clothes, and high heels that constrict the body's freedom of movement, as well as the greater social pressure exerted on women than on men to take care of their appearance.

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