Sunday 27 June 2010

The narrative: The process of construction

This architectural project has been struggling a whole year with the different narratives that could address the main intellectual ideas of a critique of the late-capitalism office space.

The narratives started with the second term "Letter to my imprisoned father" in which Nora escaped from the tyranny of her pushing father as a way of looking for herself and decide what her future could be. This way she lives in secret in the office while re-assesses different occupations while she fulfils her needs in the different parts of the office. The project was presented by the letter she sent to her imprisoned father, that we codified as spatial drawing that reflect her imaginary activities.

From this point, in order to achieve a more believable narrative and also as a way to establish a clear relationship between the story telling and the nature of the main critic of the project to the office space, the narrative has been develop in a new direction. After four new different versions, here is the last and definitive plot summarised:

- It focuses in Nora as a new employee in the office
- She is physically isolated in workstation beside the old archive
- A rumour that she got the job due to her father connection isolates her socially in the office
- She find a box that correspond with someone she decided to call Margaret in which she find some books, magazines and photocopies of someone interested in feminism.
- She used it to reassess gender policies in the office
- She realised that she is a commodity, not just as employee but also as a woman
- Margaret's notes talk metaphorically about an invisible woman who lives in the office
- Nora uses Margaret's notes to imagine as scenario where both, the invisible woman and her office material world are removed of the features that made them to be an object of consumption
- Her exercise of escapism is not time-killing but the means to an end, her own awareness as a female employee in the contemporary office
- The project in that moment instead of text starts to be constructed by the scenarios and parts of the office that she imagine and travel in her imagination.
- The space of the office is transformed as a reflection of the activities that the invisible woman, Nora's own projection, does to fulfil her desires abstracted into her needs.

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