Thursday 11 November 2010


Alone and frustrated in her isolated workstation, Nora looks above her head where an air-conditioning supplier is located. To literally vent her frustration, she thinks of "overhauling" the air conditioning system. She starts imagining how the invisible woman - following her need for sport abstracted into her desire for flying - creates an artefact for practising aeronautics. Using one of the oldest human dreams, flight, this space is created through the will of the character, as both a woman discriminated against and an employee of late capitalism, to escape from routine.

The invisible woman creates a flying simulator in the false ceiling. She moves the air conditioning grilles and tubes so as to aim the air and noise in one direction while an office chair seat, a fire hose, some pipes and a stack of filing drawers enable her to be suspended while looking at the city, projected on a hanging screen.

What at the beginning was a product of her frustration becomes one of the favourite psycho geographies of Nora's trip through the invisible woman. The fancy dress that the invisible woman made in the Tailor Photo room is completed by a tape-and-toilet-roll aviator's helmet that helps her avoid drawing attention to the building. The psychoactive placebo that she has drunk in the dining sanctuary takes her higher than the clouds.

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