Thursday 11 November 2010

The Invisible Woman of the Tower 42+1/2

This film narrates an architectural project awarded with Distinction in the M Arch Architectural Design, Advanced Virtual And Technological Architectural Research, Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London. 2010

The project is an extreme détournement of the tyranny of late-capitalist office work from a gender perspective by means of an illustrated narrative consisting of a set of psycho-geographical spaces based on an exercise in escapism.

The spatial proposal stems from the character's literal interpretation of a metaphorical invisible woman of Tower 42, who inhabits and transforms the office following her desires abstracted into needs.

The spatial production follows a particular logic, whereby a rejection of the discriminatory stereotype of womanhood engenders a rejection of the commodification of the working woman's material world.

This translation provides a de-sanctification of the workspace and a de-commodification of the objects of consumption that create and fill the office, as a new personal construction of herself and the world.

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