Thursday 11 November 2010


Ludopoly is presented as a board game created inside the drawer of the director's desk, the most secret part of the office. Here the invisible woman, as she is imagined by Nora, abstracts her desire for power into her need to transform the world of the Office of the Director. The role of the Director is magnified among the employees, elevated into a role close to divinity. The power is trivialized as a board game that is developed as an antithesis of Monopoly. The exercise of the invisible woman consists of creating the game and the rules, but instead of then playing the game, it is the construction of it where the real power rests!

The macro regime is reduced to the micro dimensions of the drawer and the city is constructed out of office objects. These configure a new reality where office tasks and leisure are shared, where the public and private spaces are mixed, enabling a de-sanctification of space and a new realm where:

Instead of the underground there is a Roller Coaster.
There are Bumper Buses.
The Jail of Monopoly is Tower 42.
The main landmarks are kept but transformed, such as the Haunted Gherkin, the Old Broad Mirror Maze, the Lloyd slide and the Bank of Chewing Gum.
The Office park replaces the office buildings.

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