Thursday 11 November 2010


One of the worst aspects and most difficult thing to avoid when inside the office is eating vending machine food. She goes from one to another, over and over again, hoping to find something healthier.
Assailed by feelings of deep rejection, she starts making unfair comparisons between the office vending machine food and the “molecular cuisine” served at high-class restaurants.

Nora imagines the invisible woman applying her need for cooking and taking part in all the details of what she eats, this becomes a desire to change the composition of the food and drinks. An empty vending machine is transformed into a laboratory where the invisible woman can transform the properties of water into a set of magic elixirs by means of alchemy.

Using the vending machine springs - built of an office tray and a water circuit - the most infected pieces of office kit, the keyboards, are cultivated to increase the amount of bacteria. She uses scientific methods of chemistry under the principles of alchemy to distill germs into bottles of green tea that the invisible woman generates as a psychoactive placebo.

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