Monday 25 January 2010

The Dynamic Construction of Identity of the character, Nora, as a Reflection on the Spatial Transformation

Starting from the consideration of post-modern identities, as dynamic, non static with regard to a multi-layered, non-Unitarian, fragmented, plural post-modern subjectivity, Nora, the character of the narration is going to life a process of negation, frustration, opening, learning, adaptation, offer and exchange.
In the narrative, based on letters, the character is going to face the dilemma of explain her experience to her father through the space she is dwelling. The time of the narrative is not determined so the speed of her change is neither deductible. The narrative takes into account the influence of the space and its surroundings, the office and the view of London at night, over her dynamic construction of identity.
This different steps are related to specific spatial conditions. The particular spatial interpretation is made by using the estates she experiences in the dynamic construction of her identity.
From the Basque woman who feels nostalgia, and seeks refuge in the her culture, refusing to open her mind to the different (the other) toward a Basque woman who feels herself part of the multicultural society where she takes and she gives and all subcultures are recognized.

These steps that are developed through the plot have not a defined order:

-alienation, strangeness, melancholy of the gone, her culture place and people.
-refuse, shutting herself in her background, living from the past, avoiding her new environment.
-frustration, and rage, impossibility of live from the past and avoiding “the other”.
-opening, start learning the “other”, facing the present.
-assimilation, of the “other” into “ours”.
-contribution, personal investment
-exchanging, giving and taking from the “ours”, multiculturalism

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