Saturday 23 January 2010

Expression for Spatial Narrative_1

In these set of post that I begin with this first example, I am going to gather some artistic productions that I consider very suggestive of how the space can be expressed through narrative.

I start with the work of the neo figurative painter David Salle. His paintings gather images and icons of the culture, where mass culture and elite cultural product share the same space of the canvas. The figurative is mixed with the abstraction of the backgrounds. They also mix tradition with current topics. These paintings are a interference of a myriad of expressions that I find very interesting as a way to express the space through a narrative based on space and not on time. I consider or interpret his paintings as unfinished tales that allow you to fill the gaps with your imagination.

I enclose the examples of David Salle painting (above), with some descriptions of Fredic Jameson in "Postmodernism- or the cultural logic of the late capitalism" related to this kind of painting and the work of Salle particularly.

"(his description of this kind of painting)Surrealism without the which the most uncontrolled kinds of figuration emerge with the depthlessness that is not even hallucinatory, like the free associations of an impersonal collective subject, without the personal unconscious neither of a group one"

"(David Salle) His archetypal category (for it is not a form, exactly) seems to be the empty organization of the dyptich or double panel, where, however, the content that traditionally accompanied such gesture - authentification and de authentification, unmasking, the puncturing of one sign system in the name of another, or of reality itself - remain absent"

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