Saturday 23 January 2010

Expression for Spatial Narrative_2

Following with this search of art production that can suggest me a possible expressions for spatial narrative, I put as another example the work of the American artist Robert Rauschenberg.

His paintings are more abstract that those of Salle, being a funny depiction of abstract expressionist that take into account mass culture. Before the boom of the Pop Art in the 60´s his three dimensional painting are very innovative of how space and painting can be related. After the 60's his works started to be bi dimensional and the use of collage, images and abstract background suggest me a way of depicting space, with the abstraction of half light to express deepness and the figuration of object that are shown in the foreground.

"He found his signature mode by embracing materials traditionally outside of the artist’s reach. He would cover a canvas with house paint, or ink the wheel of a car and run it over paper to create a drawing, while demonstrating rigor and concern for formal painting... The idea of combining and of noticing combinations of objects and images has remained at the core of Rauschenberg’s work. As Pop Art emerged in the ’60s, Rauschenberg turned away from three-dimensional combines and began to work in two dimensions, using magazine photographs of current events to create silk-screen prints" From

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