Thursday 7 January 2010

still-life based narrative construction of a simulated reality

In this exercise I have tried to express my first conclusions.
I have created a micro narrative where each event of the story is reduced to a set of objects on a piece of a side table, treating this set as a still-life. These account of events have a particular location. The events are going to be repeated through out the week, months and years therefore they are shown in a diachronic order.
The objects are the main characters of the scene while reflections on them are the vehicle that relate them to the activity of people around.
The objects are the protagonist, they are the strongest presence of the scene but they have been digitally created. They aspire to look like real, hyper realistic depiction that simulate the physical reality.
The reflection are the weakest presence of the scene but the unique reference directly taken from the physical world.
By taking the simulated objects as the main character and the reflections as the vehicles of the plot directly taken from physical world, I change their usual roles to mix both reality in an hybrid one that tell an everyday life. This hybridization is an attempt to approach the mixed physical and virtual reality we experience everyday in our computer based society.

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