Sunday 24 January 2010

Tracing the main plot - 01

The structure of the narrative that is going to address the project is based on the letters a prisoner is receiving. But behind these letter is hidden a narrative, which is going to be responsible for the spatial transformations. This plot has the role of "Bartlebooth's plan" plot in Perec's novel. So it is a plot which is related to the space, the proper subject of the letters.

The plot tries to gather three main features, that in the end, explain the inner logic of the project:

- Deal with an current and established architectural issue: empty offices and lack of dwellings
- Define the feeling of the characters related to their places: To be living illegally and in secret in an office as it would be a dwelling while sending letter to her imprisoned father
- Explain the symbolic and allegoric secret language: that a daughter can use to encode the the drawn letters, by using cultural productions, how she is doing through how is her place.

Here is the Summary of the Plot:

After her father arrest, Nora, a 24 years old Basque girl who has just finished her degree in Art and Literature in Bilbao, escapes to London. Her father, a 58 years old editor of a Basque magazine of Arts and Politics, is under protective custody in Nanclares Prison, because the magazine he works for has been accused of illegal activities. All the staff and writers are suspicious until the trial, and Nora wrote some articles the last year so she is going to be asked to testify.
She flies to London and the first day she finds a job cleaning an office in the Tower 42 of the City of London. Among the 1 million sq m of empty office space of the City of London, this empty office was occupied by an advertisement company which went bankrupt during the economic turn-down. She has to throw the remained stuff away, clean and tidy the office to be rented again. She has very few money and she does not know anybody so she decided to life in secret in the office for a while. She eats from vending machines, use the toilet and sleep in a reception sofa. She decided to sent some letter to her father to tell him how she is doing. She cannot put her name in them, so due to his father relation to artists, she decides to draw the letters and tell about her life reflecting her place and activities encoded through them. At the same time, she reflects in this letters her mood, uncertainties and aspirations in a dynamic construction of her identity. The office is used as a dwelling but as well as his father she cannot leave the place. All her contact with the exterior world is the view of London at night, from 5 pm to 8 am.

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