Friday 22 January 2010

From Ways of Simulations to Hybrid Narrative Architectures

After having analyse the "Ways of Simulation" as the title of this blog until now, the interest of the project shifts to the Narrative as a vehicle to interpret and generate space. Related to simulation here are some of conclusions:

- The simulation allows to create a model of a constricted system, determined by some parameters that after can be manipulated.
- These systems can be directly taken from physical world but also from the virtual one, and all the spaces that oscillated in between.
- Simulation could be interpreted as a kind of substitution, as Paul Virilio calls it
- The invisible can be materialise and shown as a hyper real presence.
- It substitutes nature while mimesis aspire to imitate it where nature also encloses the cultural production blurring the dualism that opposes it to artificial.
- The computer generated simulation offers depictions of high detailed, hyper realistic and defined systems, being a powerful tool to analyse, process and express spatial generation and transformations.
- Simulation, in the speculative process of architectural proposition, can deal with and facilitates the coexistence of different layers of realities, substitute them, as well as combine them, but it is mainly a mediator, not a vehicle.

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